Parent Testimonials

A Year 3 child - (the parent is also a teacher).

“Jack is a different child. I think you are aware, his reading has improved by 5 levels and he has caught up to where he should be. His teacher says he is attentive and plays an active part in all tasks in class. Not sure if you heard but he has just been elected student council rep. He is just in such a better place and so much happier, thank you!”

(The boy’s mother)


A year 7 boy (aged 12):

“Paul took our son from having an inability to focus in class regardless of the subject. He had consistent reports across school saying he was fabulous in class yet was being held back by a consistent inability to ‘stay tuned’. This led to slower produced work and then frustration from both himself and the teachers.

Paul and his work turned this around. Within 6 months this no longer became a conversation.

And after a year despite COVID (where Paul have virtual support) he now seems to have overcome this challenge.

As a person Paul is professional, consistent and focused on the child’s needs. He was flexible with us as there were certain circumstances with us that were unique.

We appreciate that Paul’s morning work and expertise to understand the needs of children and the magic of movement to resolve challenges is so effective. I would be very happy to speak to anyone who wishes to have any more information about our experience” - Sara


Two siblings (8 and 10) Brisbane, Australia:

“Just got the boys report cards today. For Alex a huge improvement and is in the top half of the kids in his grade. Last term he was down the bottom end. David: his improvement is not as great but he is dealing with his anxiety better. Thanks for working with the boys, Paul!”

(The boys’ father)


Year 11 Boy (aged 15):

A letter from a parent to a school administrator (March): “Jason started working with Mr Mallen last September and yesterday, after five years of constant complaints by his teachers about being distracted, not able to focus and concentrate, we received an extremely positive set of reviews from Jason’s teachers indicating improved focus and concentration by almost every teacher. Over the years, Jason’s self-esteem has been clearly affected by his inability to meet the teacher’s demands in the classroom, even when he told us he was really trying. We are now seeing his self-esteem and self-belief increase, which is wonderful to be able to report.”

Year 8 Girl (aged 13)

Yesterday afternoon, Anna attended the volleyball “school” in Clarens. She was initially a bit hesitant when she entered the gym, but after a little bit, she felt better and focused on the drills. Overall, she had a good session & the coach invited her to continue in the school. He said that based on what he saw, she may be eligible to play on an U-17 team in the area. Emma was so happy after the practice and said that it was lots of fun. I wanted to pass along the news as I am sure that your guidance and the exercises helped her with her skills.


16 year old boy in an International School

“It was in the remarks in the recent learning reviews with teachers that we saw most change - in fact, all bar one subject were extremely positive about changes in Steven’s attitude, focus and concentration. There was almost no mention of organisational issues in the latest review.”

(The boy’s mother)


Grade 3 boy

For sure you can use our comments on your website and refer us to whoever would benefit from your programme. We can definitely convince them that working with you shows huge benefits to the child, including confidence. I wish I could have watched him on sports day, to see this transformation! The teachers words were really reassuring that Aaron’s development has been monumental, considering where he was last April .
So once again, a huge thank you for all the effort and support you’ve shown Aaron these past months. You have made
a big difference to his life!”

(The boy’s mother)


Grade 4 student

Teacher: “I wanted to let you know what great improvements we’ve seen in Ian this first week after working with Paul. Most impressively is the motivation in the morning routine and for the first time, Ian finished all his work and was able to participate in Golden Time. Not to mention he took the time to go back and make his handwriting more legible on a Maths test and was just a “different” Ian.” …”Paul, whatever you are doing, it is working. We are seeing great progress in Ian and it made such a difference this week.”

Parents reply: “Paul, Ian’s feedback about the work with you was: ‘I really like it, it’s so much fun’, (word for word) so thank you so much.” …. “What is even more impressive is that I noticed at home that something was changed, I just couldn’t put my fingers on what exactly it was.”


Year 2 student:

“Once again, thank you Paul for this project. It has been truly effective for Leya. Her interaction at home and her ability to play games with the whole family have just made home life much better. Leya’s teacher has also noted better attention and an improvement in friendships at school”

(Parent who is also a teacher.)